Key Features of Simplyture Carpark

Simplyture offers parking solutions of a kind for users. One that has never been witnessed anywhere globally. Parking is fitted with cameras at the entrance and towards the exit for proper surveillance.
Think of it. When did you last enter a parking lot and park your car without any stress?
You can’t even tell.
You think it’s just fiction. Be assured; it’s real. Be ready to experience the new development. designs a freely flowing parking for businesses, hospitals, airport, residential areas, officer and many more. The parking has three main features: free flow, no barriers, and cashless (ticketless). The automation you’ve been yearning for overtime.
Here’s a guide on how the car park designed by Simplyture.
The 3 main points include entrance, payment point, and exit.
The entrance is designed seamlessly to the exit. It’s fitted with a camera for a specific role. One camera scans the front of the car while the other monitors the back end. The cameras give the highest accuracies at all times.
The vehicle license is registered at this point. Uses, therefore, have an easy time driving into the parking since the cameras offer a simplified mode of administration.
Payment Point
The second point is designed for payment. A fast, convenient, and user-friendly payment mode for the services. For instance, payment machines, simple pay (your website), and recommended payment apps.
Isn’t it a variety that favours all the users coming to your premises? Consider incorporating this service.
The exits point has a similar design to the entrance. A camera is installed to scan the vehicle’s licence while leaving the parking from the back. The algorithm in the devices is essential for 100 per cent scanning accuracy.
Control room
A few metres from the existing point, there is a management facility. The facility operator gets a better view of the users’ behaviour in real-time.
Keys aspects such as occupancy level, geographical information, payment versus income of the day are also monitored.
Do you want to lower customer stress, reduce operation costs and raise your income?
Visit Simplyture for the perfect model for you and more insights.